Today, April 18, 2023, marks the deadline for filing federal income tax returns for the 2022 tax year. For those who have yet to file their taxes, there is still time. The good news is that the IRS gives you until 11:59 p.m. to file tonight, so taxpayers who file electronically or mail in their returns with a postmark of April 18th will not be penalized for filing late.
Unable to meet the deadline?
You can file for an extension with the IRS. Filing an extension will give you an additional six months, until October 16th, to file your tax return. To file for an extension, you will need to fill out Form 4868 and submit it to the IRS. If you live in a state impacted by storms and natural disasters, you may also be eligible for an IRS tax deadline extension.
Keep in mind that while an extension will give you more time to file your return, it does not extend the deadline for paying any taxes owed. Therefore, if you expect to owe taxes, it's important to estimate your tax liability and pay at least 90% of what you owe by the April 18th deadline to avoid penalties and interest.
Reputable tax preparation service providers can help you organize and submit your returns. We've ranked and compared the best companies: Top Tax Preparation Software.
Need more tax preparation guidance? Check out our tips and guides:
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