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Wells Fargo vs. Citibank Comparison

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Good For
A Reliable & Convenient Banking Partner
Good For
Citi Accelerate Savings
Account types
  • Checking
  • Savings
  • Certificates of Deposit (CD)
Account types
  • Checking
  • Savings
  • Certificates of Deposit (CD)
  • Many personal and small business checking accounts and savings accounts
  • Wealth management and investment services available
  • Transparent yields, requirements, and fees
  • Very well respected bank
  • No minimum required deposits
  • Wide range of account options
  • cons May need a high daily minimum balance to avoid maintenance service fees
  • cons Accounts may come with additional fees, such as out-of-network fees
  • cons Lower than average APY compared to digital-only banks
  • cons Certain requirements to avoid monthly fees
  • cons $2.50 Charge for out-of-network ATMs
  • cons Rates aren't as competitive as others
Min Deposit
Min Deposit
Min APY Savings
Min APY Savings
ATM Network
12,000 Wells Fargo ATMs
ATM Network
Over 65,000 fee-free ATMs
Overdraft fees
Overdraft fees
Maintenance Fee
Maintenance Fee