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Wells Fargo vs. MPH Bank Comparison

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Good For
A Reliable & Convenient Banking Partner
Good For
The Ultimate Saving Solution
Account types
  • Checking
  • Savings
  • Certificates of Deposit (CD)
Account types
  • Checking
  • Savings
  • Many personal and small business checking accounts and savings accounts
  • Wealth management and investment services available
  • Transparent yields, requirements, and fees
  • Website and app leverage advanced security features, including 256-bit encryption
  • Savings accounts come with flexible terms and a competitive APYs ideal for growing savings
  • Simplified statements that are easy to understand
  • Round-the-clock customer service is available
  • cons May need a high daily minimum balance to avoid maintenance service fees
  • cons Accounts may come with additional fees, such as out-of-network fees
  • cons Lower than average APY compared to digital-only banks
  • cons A $9 monthly membership fee is due on some products
Min Deposit
Min Deposit
Min APY Savings
Min APY Savings
ATM Network
12,000 Wells Fargo ATMs
ATM Network
Overdraft fees
Overdraft fees
Maintenance Fee
Maintenance Fee