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So many have been conditioned to think that a college degree is necessary to land a great job and achieve a successful c...

Will Weisenfeld
With Lendstart’s student loan calculator, you can estimate the overall cost of the loan to find out what works best for you.
Loan amount
Term in months
Interest rate per year
Monthly payment
Total paid
Interest paid
Month | Balance | Interest | Principal |
1 | $10000.00 | $37.50 | $816.29 |
2 | $9183.71 | $34.44 | $819.35 |
3 | $8364.37 | $31.37 | $822.42 |
4 | $7541.95 | $28.28 | $825.50 |
5 | $6716.45 | $25.19 | $828.60 |
6 | $5887.85 | $22.08 | $831.71 |
7 | $5056.14 | $18.96 | $834.82 |
8 | $4221.32 | $15.83 | $837.96 |
9 | $3383.36 | $12.69 | $841.10 |
10 | $2542.26 | $9.53 | $844.25 |
11 | $1698.01 | $6.37 | $847.42 |
12 | $850.60 | $3.19 | $850.60 |
Most student loan calculators require some basic information to estimate what your monthly payments will be. This includes:
Knowing this information can help you successfully budget for the loan. It can also help you determine your borrowing limits.
Some online calculators also ask for other information, such as:
With the student loan calculator, you can map out your strategy for repaying the loan from start to finish. Plus, if you check the amortization schedule, you can get a detailed idea of your monthly schedule leading up to the final payoff date.
Personal Loans Providers